’90 Day Fiancé’ Spoilers indicate that, when Sumit Singh’s parents brought in the astrologer, it was clear that they wanted someone to be on their side when it came to the potential marriage of Jenny and Sumit. After all, Sumit’s Dad said that he had been with this astrologer for 30 years and that they both valued what he had to say.
This astrologer should have been brought in a whole season and a half ago and saved both Jenny, Sumit, and his parents a lot of time and grief, but we suppose that Sumit’s Mom, Sadhna, was too afraid of what people in her social circle would say about the pairing.
’90 Day Fiancé’ Spoilers: Where has the Singh family astrologer been all this time?
The astrologer accomplished something that the family therapist could not. You would think that a therapist would’ve been able to cover more ground with the Singhs than an astrologer ever could, but that wasn’t the case.
A few episodes ago, the therapist basically rolled over and showed her belly to Sadhna when they discussed the problems going on within the family. It was clear that she didn’t want to get in the middle of things and pretty much only enabled Sadhna’s Mama Bear instincts.
After that, Sumit got the bright idea for his parents to actually move in with he and Jenny, and said that it was his dream for this to happen. A dream that wasn’t even known until after they talked to that therapist.
But now thanks to the astrologer, Sadhna seems to have at least somewhat seen the light. The astrologer told her that she was being selfish, and she needed to let Sumit go, and that it was going to start negatively affecting her body if she didn’t.
This seemed to really resonate with Sadhna, who broke down in tears. The astrologer said that he even didn’t see a need for them all to live together (Jenny must have done something right), and didn’t recommend them living together at all. So, if Sumit’s Dad has known this Astrologer for over 30 years, why on earth didn’t he consult with them before now?
Why didn’t he save his entire family a bunch of grief and just consult with the astrologer way back when? It just seems like if he had done it before now, things would have gone a lot smoother for Jenny and Sumit. We can say one thing though, at least someone seemed to get through to Sadhna. Stay tuned!!!