Season 2 of I Love A Mama’s Boy just started Sunday night. TLC’s highly rated reality show started with a bang. The returning couples are still being put to the ultimate test. Being with a mama’s boy is one of the ultimate struggles. Kim and Matt are attempting to plan their wedding while building their dream house. Unfortunately, Matt’s mom Kelly is hijacking both big moments. Has it caused the couple to call it quits?

Kim’s Troubles On I Love A Mama’s Boy

Credit: TLC

As viewers learned, Matt and Kim’s apartment burned down. So, they moved in with Matt’s parents. They offered to build them a home but Kelly had a lot of say in the decor. Additionally, the couple was in the process of planning their dream wedding. It started to become a question of whose wedding was it anyways.

When Matt and Kim were outside talking, Kelly came by to deliver Matt a protein shake. She commented on the wonders the pandemic did for his body. Apparently, it gave him the opportunity to work out more. Eventually, she used this as an opportunity to read a poem. He noted she had wanted to read a poem at the wedding yet did not realize it would be this one.

Kelly went on to share she wanted to officiate the wedding, as well. Kim was blown away. Not only did she want to read a poem but she also wanted to officiate it. It made her feel like she was being left out of her home building and her big day. Moreso, Matt told cameras his only place at the wedding was a referee between his mom and Kim…and to say “I do.” The season has just begun and the engagement might be over.

Are They Still Together?

Credit: Kimberly Cobb Instagram
Credit: Kimberly Cobb Instagram

It appears all may not be hunky-dory, according to Meaww. As of now, Kim and Matt have unfollowed each other on Instagram. Matt currently has a private profile so unless you are a friend of his, his posts cannot be seen. Luckily, Kim’s is public and she alludes to a possible demise of the relationship. She is no longer wearing her engagement ring. Furthermore, there are no recent photos of her and Matt. The last one is from 2020.

The only spoiler pictures that might violate an NDA for this series would be wedding ones. Therefore, she is free to post as much with Matt as she wants. Aside from promotional show posts, most of her content on her Instagram is of her living her best life. One fan did comment on a promo post asking if the couple was still together. Kim replied: “you’ll have to watch the season!”

Do you think Kim and Matt are over for good or is it just to keep fans guessing? Keep watching this season of I Love A Mama’s Boy Sunday nights on TLC.

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