On Monday night, viewers tuned in to 1000-Lb. Sisters were left with their jaws dropped wide open. Fans were left in shock after witnessing Tammy Slaton and her big sister Amanda go head to head over how Tammy has been treating her siblings. While many say the argument was “extra,” most were thrilled to see someone finally stand up to Tammy. Will these two continue their Battle Royale in the coming episodes? Or, will Amanda be the force that finally makes Tammy stand down?
1000-Lb. Sisters’ Introduces Tammy’s Older Sister, Amanda
In Season 2 of 1000-Lb. Sisters, viewers got a chance to know more about some of Tammy Slaton and Amy Halterman’s older siblings. While their sister, Misty and brother, Chris Combs were featured in the first season – their stories definitely weren’t highlighted. Fans only really got to see them in regards to their interactions with their younger, heftier siblings.
During the second season, fans got to know the siblings more intimately. The show featured more information about their lives and their relationships with the rest of the family. Fans fell in love with big brother, Chris who seems to have a strong supportive role in his sisters’ lives, despite dealing with challenging health and weight issues of his own.
Season Three introduces us to yet one more sibling in the clan. Tall, blonde, and brash, Amanda Halterman is known for being feisty and for speaking her mind without reserve. While Amanda is the only sibling whose age isn’t publicly disclosed, we do know that she is slightly younger than Chris, who falls in behind her oldest sister, Misty.
Amanda and Amy Halterman, Youtube TLC 1000-Lb. Sisters
There’s Only Room For One “Btch” In The Family Among Tammy Slaton’s siblings, they will quickly tell you that their 640+ sister is a “btch just to be a b*tch.” In this week’s episode, the siblings actually discussed at length the fact that Tammy’s nasty attitude has progressively gotten worse over the last few years. The family is tired of being Tammy’s personal slaves, only to be verbally abused and berated when she doesn’t get her way.
Funnily, Amanda Halterman has also been referred to as a “b*tch” by her siblings. In reference to Amanda, however, the term is used a bit more comically. This brazen reality celeb is known for being blunt and to the point – much like Misty. Where Amanda really stands out is that she has a bit more fire in her spirit. While Misty tends to be very cool and level-headed, Amanda has a short fuse, especially when it comes to disrespect.
Despite her sass and quick tongue, Amanda very clearly loves her siblings. Even fans can see that there’s not much she wouldn’t do to help her family. Unlike some of the other siblings, however, Amanda refuses to let Tammy walk all over people. She doesn’t let her excuses slide – especially when it comes to how she treats other people. She is one of the few family members that fights back against Tammy, rather than biting their tongue and letting her have her way.
Tammy Slaton Gets a “Dose Of Real” from Her Sister
In this last episode, Tammy does her best to ruin her family’s vacation. From throwing a temper tantrum over getting into the cabin to being mad that the family got photos done without her, Tammy nary uttered a positive word during the whole trip.
Early on in the episode, Amanda decided to wash her hands of her sister, At least where the vacation was concerned. Amanda had hit her limit for Tammy’s antics. She was disgusted by the way Tammy was treating her family. The celeb then points out how ungrateful Tammy is acting. She notes how many sacrifices everyone made so that Tammy could take part in the trip.
Towards the end, during a dinner that Tammy actually agreed to attend, Amanda got a message containing the photos from the family session earlier that day. Since no one had seen them yet, Amanda held her phone out to everyone, starting with Tammy who sat next to her and moved around the table. Tammy took this as a personal insult, inquiring if Amanda was rubbing it in her face that she didn’t go.
Amanda and Misty Halterman Vacation Dinner TLC
The comment led to an argument, in which Amanda tells Tammy how rude she has been to her entire family. Mount Tammy erupted, telling her sister to ‘shut the f**** up” and asking how she’s supposed to say anything if Amanda keeps talking.
Amanda, packing up her things, tells her sister very pointedly, to “just wait until these cameras aint rolling.”
Tammy Slaton, who needs to have the last word tells her sister to get away from her – to which Amanda replies, “YOU can kiss my ass.”
Why Fans Want More Amanda
After last week’s episode, Amanda Halterman has quickly become a fan favorite. Fans on social media say that they love that the network added Amanda to the mix. Her blunt nature and willingness to put Tammy Slaton in her place has won fans over. Over the last three seasons, Fans have come to see Tammy as a villain. While all the other siblings tend to sugarcoat their opinions or avoid Tammy’s anger, Amanda does not.
In fact, in just one episode, Amanda shot back at Tammy every time she threw a Tantrum, and fans couldn’t be more elated. Fans took to Twitter in droves this past week to inquire why Amanda Halterman is just now getting added to the show. Many feel that Amanda should have been in the show from start.
“I want the cameras rolling when Amanda beats the breaks off Tammy’s big wobbly a**,” wrote one fan.
“Why did it take us 3 seasons to get Amanda,” exclaimed another, “She said to Tammy in ONE episode what Amy and Chris should have said to her 3 seasons ago.”
“I see Tammy didn’t get out of that chair on Amanda,” mused a third fan.
Until now, Tammy’s family have been unsuccessful when it comes to keeping Tammy on track. Amanda’s entrance, however, makes some fans hopeful. They are crossing their fingers that she will be the “swift “kick in the a**” that Tammy needs to get her priorities in check.