In August 2020, Doubling Down With the Derricos premiered on TLC. The family reality series gave viewers a look into Karen and Deon Derrico’s life with their 12 kids and the family’s journey through the birth of their set of triplets.
The stay-at-home mom and her real estate investor husband are parents to Darian, 15, Derrick, 10, 9-year-old twins Dallas and Denver, 7-year-old quintuplets Deonee, Daician, Daiten, Deniko, and Dariz, 4-year-olds Diez and Dior, and 1-year-old triplets Dawsyn, De’Aren, and Dyver.
That’s right, 14 kids! The Derricos from Las Vegas were a big hit with fans as viewers watched Karen and Deon’s family deal with quarantine life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Doubling Down With the Derricos was renewed for Season 2, and the new season premiered on June 1. Are the Derricos pregnant again? Does the season show the family expanding even further?
The Season 2 trailer teased that the family could be pregnant.
In a trailer for Season 2 of Doubling Down With the Derricos, the family is dealing with life’s many ups and downs as they are still navigating their way through the COVID-19 pandemic. On top of all that’s going on in their lives, Karen thinks she could be pregnant again.
In the sneak peek, she is seen talking to Deon and says, “According to this, I’m a week late.”
Deon urges her to take a pregnancy test and his mother, Marion “GG” Derrico, who can be seen eavesdropping, talks to her son about the possibility that they’re pregnant again. She tells him, “What is it you want me to say? Do you want me to say, ‘Oh God, I hope it’s positive?’ When is the line drawn for real?”
It’s apparent that Grandma GG doesn’t want her son and daughter-in-law to have another baby (or babies) since they already have their hands full. GG later tells the camera, “Not another baby. It’s overwhelming with the ones that are here.”
Karen later shared she suffered a miscarriage.
Those who have kept up with Season 2 have already seen this play out on-screen, but Karen revealed on the series that she suffered a miscarriage.
“Even though we aren’t strangers to miscarriages, it’s still a tough heartbreak to endure! Our hearts are broken and pieces of it go out to others that have endured this pain,” the family said in a statement to People on June 22.
This wasn’t the first time the couple had dealt with a miscarriage, and during the episode, Deon talked about how Karen had suffered a loss early on in their family planning.
“Each time we get pregnant, it’s like our love goes to that child. Our excitement is there for this child. And we have to grieve,” he said during the episode.
For now, the Derrico family won’t be expanding any further.
Watch Doubling Down With the Derricos on TLC on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST.