Five episodes of Doubling Down With the Derricos‘ brand new season recently premiered in May. The show revolves around Karen, Deon Derrico, and their 14 children. During the course of the show, the parents discuss how challenging it can be to raise 14 kids. The latest season also saw them looking for a house that can occupy a family of 16 people.
The season was filled with love, drama, and controversy, and its official description as per TLC reads:
“Karen & Deon Derrico are parents to four sets of multiples – 14 kids, including quintuplets – conceived NATURALLY! The birth of their triplets brings the couple new challenges that will test everything they know about parenthood.”
The latest episode of the show was released on June 27, 2023, and episode 6 of Doubling Down with the Derricos season 4 is set to premiere on July 11 at 10 pm ET on TLC.
Episode 6 of Doubling Down with the Derricos season 4 is titled Ain’t Nuthin’ but a She Thing
Episode 6 of Doubling Down With the Derricos will feature heaps of drama as Deon’s mother GG will be forced to move in with the Derricos. It will be interesting to see how the dynamics in the family change with this transition.
The episode will also see the children having some differences, which could lead to a feud. Additionally, GG will be seen going to her first “traditional chemotherapy session.”
The synopsis for episode 6 of Doubling Down with the Derricos season 4 reads:
“The Quints are at odds over what to do for their birthday; GG faces her first traditional chemo session, but when disaster hits her home, she moves in with the Derricos; Karen struggles to keep it together.”
The show is directed by Sara Chamberlain, and its executive producers are James Macnab and Jodi Flynn. In episode 5, Deon was seen visiting Detroit with the family and taking them to Motown, which is a black-owned record company.
He shed light on the importance of the company as he told the children:
“Motown literally bridged gaps of racial division that’s when we really saw things change across the world. So absolutely I had to bring my children here.”
In the previous episode, Darian and GG also had some conversations concerning the latter’s love life. Darian mentioned that her mother’s stories are one of her favorite things to hear. However, she mentioned that she didn’t feel comfortable hearing about what her mother did with her former partners.
“I absolutely love hearing about GG dating again. I just don’t wanna hear about my mother’s love acts,” she said.
Deon mentioned that he wants his mother to be with someone she loves, and he’s happy that she’s considering dating. The synopsis of episode 5 of Doubling Down with the Derricos season 4 read:
“The Derricos take a trip down memory lane when they visit Deon’s hometown of Detroit; GG braces for her upcoming chemo treatments; the Derricos excitedly prepare for their emotional reunion with the newest member of their family.”
The Doubling Down with the Derricos season 4 episode 6 entitled Ain’t Nuthin’ but a She Thing will air on July 11, 2023, at 10 pm ET on TLC.