I Love a Mama’s Boy is back with its second season and features brand new cast members.

The show which follows the relationships of couples who are constantly influenced by their overbearing mothers, have welcomed Jayne to the list of moms unable to keep out of their son’s love lives.

As Jayne is joined by her son, Bryan and his wife, Tracy on the series, what more is there to learn about her?

Who is Jayne?

Raising her son, Bryan, as a single mother, Jayne worked two jobs to support their small family.

Now, as Bryan works remotely, Jayne continues to be a large part of Bryan’s everyday life through cooking and washing for him.

It seems that although Bryan now has children and a house of his own, Jayne is unable to stop being the hands-on mother that she was when he was a child.

Jayne’s relationship with Tracy

From the show so far, we can see that the mother and daughter-in-law duo aren’t the best of friends.

Following the news that her husband, Bryan had invited Jayne onto their honeymoon without telling her first, Tracy was not happy about the news – although who would be?

Tracy reacted to the news saying, “Asia just like dropped this bombshell on me. I mean like WTF?”.

With huge amounts of tension in the air, it doesn’t look like this season of I Love a Mama’s boy is going to run smoothly for Tracy.

Twitter reactions to Jayne

As fans couldn’t help but side with Tracy on the honeymoon scenario, Twitter users took to the keyboard to express their confusion.

With an agreed-upon verdict across Twitter that Jayne should not be joining the couple on their honeymoon, it is still confusing fans that Jayne doesn’t see an issue with her being there.

If Jayne thinks it’s acceptable to go on her son’s honeymoon, what more could be on the cards for her this season!

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