Amanda Halterman Refuses To Rely On TLC’s Money

Amanda Halterman is setting the record straight once and for all — she does not depend on TLC to support her family.

There are plenty of perks that come along with being a reality TV star, but Amanda knows that 1000-Lb Sisters won’t last forever. And when it comes to an end, she knows that she can still support her family.

Recently, Amanda took to social media to explain exactly why she will never rely on TLC for anything. Keep reading to see what she had to say.

Amanda Halterman wants fans to know that she’s just fine

The 1000-Lb Sisters cast members earn paychecks from TLC, but Amanda Halterman wants everyone to know that she doesn’t need the network to survive.

She and her siblings were raised in poverty, so she really knows the importance of working and saving as an adult.

Amanda Halterman from Instagram 1000-Lb Sisters, TLC

Amanda Halterman/Instagram

“Hope [you’re] saving for a rainy day,” someone wrote to Amanda Halterman on social media. “The show will only last so long.”

In response, Amanda posted a TikTok video describing how she never wants to rely on TLC for money. She said that from a young age, the adults in her life always encouraged her to live like she “was broke.”

“I do not live above my means. I am not rich, by no means, but I’m gonna be just fine,” Amanda explained. She went on to say that she was doing well before the show and doesn’t spend her TLC paycheck frivolously.

“If people lived every day as if it was a rainy day, a lot of us would probably be a lot better off,” the 1000-Lb Sisters star wrapped up the video.

“You pay your bills your bills are paid 😂” one TikTok user joked in the comments, referencing an argument between Tammy and Amy from the show’s earliest days.

“Girl you don’t take financial advice from a keyboard warrior!!! Do you!!!!!” another user encouraged Amanda.

“Hell naw just sharing what I learned from my grannie and daddy ❤️” Amanda replied.

The 1000-Lb Sisters star is proud of her life

Many viewers poke fun at the 1000-Lb Sisters cast and their outrageous lifestyle. But Amanda Halterman is proud of who she is and is pleased with her family too.

“Hell naw just sharing what I learned from my grannie and daddy ❤️” Amanda replied.

The 1000-Lb Sisters star is proud of her life

Many viewers poke fun at the 1000-Lb Sisters cast and their outrageous lifestyle. But Amanda Halterman is proud of who she is and is pleased with her family too.

In fact, two of her sons just graduated from high school and she couldn’t wait to brag about the milestone.

“Congrats to my baby child and bonus son! Today they are high school Graduates. I am so proud of these two kiddos,” Amanda captioned the sweet Instagram post.

Although Amanda and her siblings aren’t rolling in luxuries, it seems like they know exactly what they stand for and will pass their values down to the next generation.

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