Fans of ‘I Love A Mama’s Boy’ are no strangers to watching extremely cringey interactions between mothers and sons on the TLC show. From lingerie shopping to practicing their proposals, the boys featured on the show are extremely close with their moms and want her to be involved in every aspect of their lives much to their partners’ dismay. The newest additions to the cast- Tracy, Bryan and his mom Jayne are no different.

Tracy and Bryan planned to get some alone time together by going on a honeymoon. Unfortunately for Tracy, Jayne managed to invite herself to their honeymoon as she felt that she too needed a vacation and some relaxing time after spending years raising Bryan. The ‘ILMB’ star got emotionally manipulated into agreeing to his mother joining them on the honeymoon, which quickly turned into a ‘family honeymoon’. Even though Tracy was unhappy about Jayne crashing into their alone-time, she reluctantly agreed to Jayne joining them by assigning the babysitting duties onto her. 

Once they reached the hotel, Jayne shrugged off all her babysitting responsibilities by dropping off the kids at the hotel’s daycare and began shadowing her son. Tracy and Bryan were having some alone time in the hot tub when Jayne not only walked in on them but also proceeded to get into the tub with them. Tracy was annoyed and left the mother-son duo in the tub alone together while she went to check on the kids.

Fans were appalled by Jayne’s behavior. A fan tweeted, “This whole hot tub scene had to be scripted for tv. Right? Because there’s no way Jayne can’t feel the awkward. Because I can feel it through the television. #iloveamamasboy.” “Jayne seriously gets on my nerves. She comes off as a mooch who’s always trying to get more than her fair share of everything. She’ll overstep any limits, even if they’re extremely generous, just to flex #ILoveAMamasBoy,” wrote a fan. Another fan commented, “Wait, so Jane want on their honeymoon, which she invited herself on & was supposed watch the grandkids so they can have a break/be on honeymoon but they are watching their own kids now? WTF is happening here? #ILoveAMamasBoy.”

Another fan shared, “The emotional incest on this show is truly disturbing and disgusting. #iloveamamasboy.” “Interrupting their hot tub couple time is super creepy. Like i could hear the horror music in my head. #iloveamamasboy.” added a fan. Another fan joked, “Jane = Cockblocker #ILoveAMamasBoy.”

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