One of the most popular TLC shows, 1000 Lb Sisters, primarily documents the life, transformation journey, and struggles of two sisters, Tammy and Amy Slaton. The former weighed 717 lbs at her highest, while the latter weighed slightly over 400 lbs.

Both the sisters faced their fair share of challenges to reach their desired goals. Tammy previously weighed significantly more than her younger sister, Amy. However, it was recently revealed that the elder sister now weighs just 30 pounds more than her younger one. Tune in to know more!

1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton Weighs Slightly More Than Her Younger Sister!

1000 Lb Sisters stars Tammy and Amy Slaton have showcased their whopping weight loss over the years. As per the current situation, the former has put in significantly more dedication than the latter. This has resulted in several fans wondering if her impressive progress indicates that Tammy is lighter than Amy now. Well, Thesun recently cleared this speculation.

An insider disclosed that the thirty-seven-year-old star “weighs only 30 pounds more than Amy right now.” They claimed that Amy has been finding it difficult to focus her attention on herself, for she has to look after her two kids. She looks after her two boys, Gage and Glenn, on her own. She and her former husband, Michael Halterman, got divorced this year.

1000 Lb Sisters

The insider shared that Tammy is determined to lose more weight by sticking to her new lifestyle. The source mentioned that she is struggling with loose skin due to excessive weight loss in recent years. They revealed that she wanted to get rid of all the excess skin around her neck.

They added that she is planning to get skin removal surgery and undergo the procedure super soon. The source even shared that the elder Slaton from 1000 Lb Sisters is extremely insecure about her loose skin. This information is now brewing even more confusion.

It is not known whether Tammy had lost more or Amy had gained a few pounds. After all, they previously had almost 115 Lbs weight difference. During the summer, the elder sister weighed a little less than 340 lbs. Meanwhile, Amy was almost close to 225 lbs.

1000 Lb Sisters: Will The Slaton Sisters Return On TV?

The second part of 1000 Lb Sisters season 4 will end up featuring the funeral of Tammy’s estranged husband, Caleb. Reports say the crew has been ready to start filming last month. However, the network has not yet confirmed the filming for the upcoming season.

 A source previously revealed that the reality TV celeb is considering a shift in her career if the network does not film for another season. They shared that Tammy is exploring more opportunities, especially as a plus-size model.

They continued that she desires to represent “people in her community” who have been through similar struggles and challenges as her. Fans have been waiting for a confirmation for this by the network or the castmate herself. So stay tuned to Newsworsldtoday for the latest 1000 Lb Sisters update!

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