Tammy Slaton, alongside her sister Amy embarked on their weight loss journey on TLC’s popular show 1000 Lb Sisters. The elder sister came across and overcame a plethora of troubles that came her way. She flaunted her weight loss in her latest social media upload. In it, Tammy hinted that she was prepared to find love again months after mourning the death of her estranged husband, Caleb. Tune in to learn more about the same!
1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Is Ready For Love!
Like numerous other reality TV celebrities, Tammy enjoys treating her social media fans with her frequent life updates and fun outings. Additionally, she misses no chance to flaunt her whopping weight loss and slimmed-down body. The 1000 Lb Sisters star looked happy and healthy in her recent TikTok upload. In this video, she hinted that she was looking for love again. Tammy listed a couple of appealing reasons to date her. She tried another filter that revealed three reasons that are applicable if anyone wants to date her.
They even shared that Caleb’s death was difficult for her, but they were already facing issues in their marriage. They also disclosed that Tammy felt he had no time for her and did not put in sufficient effort to relocate to Kentucky and leave rehab. The insider then revealed that Tammy was looking forward to dating a woman. She previously came out as pansexual in an earlier season. They continued she was talking to some people, but nothing serious was brewing between them. Tammy has finally opened the door to her heart after months of being in a troubled marriage. Stay tuned to Newsworsldtoday for the latest 1000 Lb Sisters update!