Since 1000-Lb. Sisters first aired on TLC, Amy Halterman and Tammy Slaton have been thick as thieves. When the show first premiered, the sisters even lived together.

However, the sisters went through many major life changes after becoming reality TV stars. Amy had bariatric surgery and then went on to have two children. Most recently, she divorced her husband Michael and is navigating life as a single mom. On the other hand, Tammy struggled for years before checking herself into rehab. She eventually did qualify for bariatric surgery, got married, and is in a much healthier space these days.

Now, some fans can’t help but wonder if Amy is jealous of Tammy’s newfound happiness. Is she trying to throw her older sister off course?

Amy Halterman and Tammy Slaton seem to have a bitter rivalry

Seasoned 1000-Lb. Sisters fans know that Tammy Slaton weighed over 700 lbs. at one point. Since then, she’s taken dramatic steps to change her life and get on a healthier life path. Viewers were so proud of the reality TV star during Season 4 as she qualified for bariatric surgery.

But is Amy Halterman trying to sabotage her efforts now?

Amy Halterman from Instagram, 1000-Lb. Sisters, TLC

Amy Halterman/Instagram

Over on Reddit, some viewers seem to think that Amy has grown jealous now that Tammy is making such fantastic progress. On top of that, Amy is now trying to navigate life as a single mother. Is it possible that her unhappiness is making her lash out at Tammy?

“The sibling rivalry/jealousy is uncanny between Amy and Tammy,” the OP begins. “We’ve seen the name calling (be it as a joke or pure anger) and witnessed the resentment Tammy has for Amy when she’s approved for weight loss surgery and she’s not; but there’s something I’ve noticed that’s not talked about. Recently I’ve noticed Amy puts off her weight loss because she’s busy with her two children.”

They proceeded to provide many examples throughout the series to back up their point. At the end of the day, OP admitted they viewed the sisters more as combative than willing to work together to reach a common goal.

Tammy Slaton from Instagram, 1000-Lb. Sisters, TLC

Tammy Slaton/Instagram

“I think Amy tried at first. I’m sure she bought food for both of them, it’s clear she tried to help Tammy. But Tammy wasn’t ready to change for whatever reason and kept making excuses to not lose weight dieting and exercising,” the original Redditor concluded.

So what did other Redditors have to say about the sibling rivalry?

Other 1000-Lb. Sisters fans chime in

Overall, it seems like other Redditors had a mixed bag of reactions. Several agreed with the OP’s points. However, many others pointed out that Amy would never purposefully sabotage Tammy’s progress. At the end of the day, the sisters do love each other in their own way.

“I agree she’d never sabotage Tammy’s success,” one Redditor added. “She’s been shown many times crying with worry wanting Tammy to be healthy. But I wonder if she wants her healthy but bigger still to lay claim that ‘she’s still the skinny one.’”

What do you think? Be sure to leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

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