Featuring five mother-loving sons and their partners, less than half of I Love A Mama’s Boy’s couples survived season 3.

Ending its third season with a slew of freshly fractured relationships, TLC’s I Love A Mama’s Boy is like therapy for viewers with irritating in-laws. Eclipsing the condescension and never good enough nature of many mothers-in-law to be, the moms on the show went above and beyond to make everything about themselves and mark their territory.
This season featured the least accepting moms yet, with one summoning the DNA testing powers of Maury Povich and another rolling up in person at her son’s new girlfriend’s work to grill her about her intentions. Unsurprisingly, not every relationship survived the televised mama drama and there are plenty of reasons as to how and why that happened.
Tre Welch & Abbey England: Broken Up

Sadly and unsurprisingly so, Tre and Abbey are no longer together. The couple actually broke up on the show, with their final episode playing out as an unveiling of the separation to their respective families. While Abbey’s family was more encouraging and consolatory, Tre’s mother Lorenda took the news as a victory, offering an immediate “Finally!” and stating that Abbey was “lacking something” and that she was actually waiting for it to happen.
Communication and boundaries were constant roadblocks in the Boonville, MI couple’s relationship, with Tre’s attention being more focused on Lorenda and TikToks than the mother of his child. With Lorenda living directly behind the couple and walking into their home as if it were still hers, Tre welcoming Lorenda’s babying and omnipresence, and neither mother nor son taking Abbey’s concerns seriously, Abbey was constantly fighting for Tre’s attention and accordingly lost her desire to continue their relationship. With no sign of a reunion on Tre or Abbey’s Instagram accounts, the smile on their son Kam’s face is all that truly matters as the couple figures out how to peacefully co-parent.
Ethan Weisman & Leyna Rosen: Still Together

There’s being a mama’s boy and then there’s the relationship between Ethan and his mother Esther in Columbus, OH. Despite the show focusing on Ethan and Leyna’s impending wedding, all the pet names, booty smacks, and flirtatious complements were controversially between Ethan and his mom. Esther continually showcased her dominance as the leading lady in Ethan’s life, holding him like a child while playing “Baby Baby” in the pool in front of Leyna’s friends, showing up in Miami for Leyna’s bachelorette activities despite being told repeatedly not to, and demanding Leyna curtail her guest list so she could invite more of her tennis buddies.
With Leyna overwhelmed with Esther’s self-importance and Ethan’s refusal to curtail his flirting, their wedding found itself in limbo. After Ethan’s best bud/emotional support cat Dennis passed away, it was postponed altogether. While the Ohio-based couple is still together, their nuptials have yet to find fruition. Scheduled to go down on September 4, 2022, it was again postponed, with the festivities now set to take place over a year later on November 4, 2023.
Matt McAdams & Brittany Taylor: Broken Up
With Leyna overwhelmed with Esther’s self-importance and Ethan’s refusal to curtail his flirting, their wedding found itself in limbo. After Ethan’s best bud/emotional support cat Dennis passed away, it was postponed altogether. While the Ohio-based couple is still together, their nuptials have yet to find fruition. Scheduled to go down on September 4, 2022, it was again postponed, with the festivities now set to take place over a year later on November 4, 2023.
Matt McAdams & Brittany Taylor: Broken Up

With Brittany’s departing words to Matt being “continue being a p****y a** b***h prima donna, Matt, bye,” the couple’s short season 3 romance came to an end. As Matt sped away from Brittany who was “all riled up,” stating he only had room in his life for one Britney (Spears), he was actually driving into the throes of another woman’s love. Secretly seeing his former boss Devon Hawley, the duplicitousness of his romantic attention and his mother Kelly’s disapproval spelled the end for Brittany, who was put through the wringer and even approached by Matt’s mom at her work for no reason other than to belittle her on TV.
While Matt and Shekeb Sekander both share the distinction of being the only remaining Mama’s Boys from season one, Matt stands alone as the only person to date multiple women on the show. Dating his ex-fiancé Kimberly Cobb (who ditched him for Texas) over two seasons, Matt would find a stopgap in Brittany until Devon gave him the maternal presence (beyond his own mother) he so desperately craved. Pinning a post to his Instagram on August 29, 2022, containing himself, Devon, and Kelly all dressed in black, Matt confirmed their relationship, expressed his appreciation to viewers, and in no uncertain terms admitted he, Devon, and most importantly Kelly are ready for season 4.
Roberto Hernandez & Kristy Miera: Still Together

Despite Robert’s mother Nancy’s best attempts, the Hesperia, CA family of four is still together. The show’s most irredeemable villain, Nancy’s sole purpose on the show was to try and destroy Robert and Kristy’s marriage. Claiming her son was “trapped” and that he wed accordingly, Nancy only saw Kristy as a threat to her relationship with Robert and maliciously knocked her down every chance she got. Her pièce de résistance was convincing Robert that his youngest daughter wasn’t his because she looked more like Kristy, forcing the couple to get a paternity test to prove the child wasn’t the result of adultery. After the results came in stating Kimi was a 99.99% genetic match, Nancy refused to accept it, latching on to that .01% and asking, “Where’s Maury?”
Embarrassing for not only Kristy and Robert but baby Kimi as well, the couple had no choice but to distance themselves from Nancy at season’s end. With Robert posting a video on Instagram of him fishing with his daughters/Kristy and tagging it #husbandandwife on August 23, 2022, and the only paternal/maternal presence on his feed being that of his trainer Joe “Daddy” Stevenson, there’s no questioning that the couple is still together and Nancy has been justifiably put on the back burner.
Shekeb Sekander & Emily Chu: Broken Up (For Now)

Ending season 3 with another ILAMB fight for the ages, Shekeb and Emily appear to have finally gone their separate ways. After Shekeb pitched Emily moving out of their apartment and into his mother Laila’s house alongside him, Emily lost it, tearing up tissues, throwing candies, screaming, ” Are you like mentally f***ing stupid? I don’t even like your mom,” and climbed over the banister on her way out like she was in The Grudge.
Though the couple did end each prior season in a fight-induced state of uncertainty, season 3 showcased a seemingly resolute separation with Shekeb moving back in with his mother. While Emily did grow progressively more demanding and volatile after season 1, Laila’s aggressive attempts to besmirch her in the eyes of her son by setting him up on dates (while out with Emily) and insulting her to her face paired with Shekeb’s total aloofness to her intentions over their 4-year relationship would send anyone off the deep end. With nary a picture of the couple together to be found on either member’s Instagram, Shekeb and Emily’s story seems to have come to an end…for now.