TLC’s I Love a Mama’s Boy wrapped its third season. However, a bonus episode aired that showed the cast watching some episodes with their mothers. Here’s what they had to say about the other cast members.
The mothers and sons review episodes from ‘I Love a Mama’s Boy’

During the final episode of I Love a Mama’s Boy Season 3, the cast watches episodes from the show with their mothers. They have a lot to say about their castmates. They each think the other mother-son pairs are worse than they are. What they don’t realize is they’re all the same to some degree.
Some cast members feel pressure to have children
One common theme among the cast members is children. Shekeb says it seems like everyone has children except for him. He jokes that instead of a child he has a bird. Shekeb’s mother, Laila, jokes that she needs a grandson.
Esther also brings up children. She playfully asks Ethan and Leyna when she will become a grandmother. Ethan tells her to ask his brother.
Robert and Kristy’s story brought up a lot of comments
Shekeb says his favorite mama’s boy is Robert. He likes that he’s athletic and has an interest in boxing. He also likes that Kristy helps him prepare for his fights by being his nutritionist. “She’s like a nutritionist for him,” says Shekeb. “She’s doing everything for her man; that’s awesome.”
Tre’s mother thinks if there was a fight between Robert and Kristy that Kristy would win because Robert “doesn’t have a backbone.” Later in the episode, Kristy says the same thing. During an interview with the producers, she says Robert does whatever his mother wants because “he doesn’t have a backbone.”
One thing the other cast members thought was funny was that Robert’s mother, Nancy, came to the gym so she could put a bib on him and feed him alphabet soup. They thought it was silly that Nancy was feeding her adult son food that was meant for a child.
Robert says his mother is still angry because he and his wife eloped. Matt’s mother, Kelly, told him not to get any ideas from Robert and Kristy. “I don’t like eloping; no ideas,” she says. “Oh yeah, you would kill me if I eloped,” says Matt. Tre’s mother, Lorenda, also tells her son she doesn’t want him to get married without her there.
Most of the cast members support Shekeb
Emily and Shekeb’s episodes cause a few cast members to voice their support for Shekeb. Ethan says Emily is “scares” him because of the unpredictable way she acts. He can’t keep track of how many times Shekeb and Emily have broken up.
“I feel bad for Shekeb,” says Ethan. When the scene turns to Laila, Matt comments on how she has been trying to set her son up with someone new for years. Kelly says, “mothers know best.”
Ethan’s relationship with his mother shocks everyone
Tre and Lorenda are surprised by how Ethan and Esther interact. They behave in a way that seems flirtatious. “Why is she talking like this?” asks Tre when he sees Esther lift her head and ask her son Ethan for a kiss. She does this after he says Esther is “so sexy.”
Kristy says Ethan and Esther are “the weirdest” mother-son pair. She says it’s as if Ethan is cheating on his fiancée with his mother. Tre adds, “These are some different people right here.”