‘Doubling Down with the Derrico‘ Spoilers reveal that Derrick Derrico has his life planned out already. While helping his Grandma GG and older sister Darian with painting at Grandma’s place, Derrick announced exactly what he wanted to do for his 18th birthday.

He said that he was going to buy a brand new car, buy Grandma GG a house, and buy 10 dogs. Honestly, goals, kid! And how will he do this? He plans on designing his own brand of cars by the age of 10. He also said that he wants his net worth to be at least $117 billion. Are we looking at the next Elon Musk?
‘Doubling Down with the Derrico’: Derrick wants to be a trillionaire!
One thinks back and one wishes that one’s goals could have been that lofty at age 10. That’s some pretty amazing goals to have at that young of an age. Ah, to be that young again, where the only limit to your own goals was your own imagination.
He said that he wants his net worth to be at least, at least, $117 billion, no, scratch that, $1trillion. That’s right folks, you are looking at the next trillionaire! The only thing is, he says that he wants to hire some tax people that are so good that he’ll never have to pay taxes, to which Grandma GG replied, “I don’t visit people in jail.”
‘Doubling Down with the Derrico’: Word, GG!
Though, honestly, if he made $1 trillion dollars what he paid in taxes would be pretty negligible and he would have enough money to support his big family and probably several others. Heck, with that much money he could probably support several communities worth of people and still live pretty comfortably.
It’s heartening to see one so young dream so big. Hopefully he plans on paying those taxes because it’s pretty hard to ball while in jail, and who knows? Maybe he’ll make a few charities while he’s busy enjoying his wealth, after all, what good is money if you can’t enjoy it by helping others?
Obviously, it’ll be money that he earns, so he’s free to make the decisions, but hopefully the collective effort of the Derrico fam will help guide him in the right direction. Stay tuned!!!