‘Mike’s mom is selfish not to encourage her son to GO after his opportunities,’ wrote a fan

For the overbearing mothers on TLC’s popular show ‘I Love A Mama’s Boy’ there’s no greater joy in their life than being close to their sons. After stopping her son Mike Boornazian from proposing to his girlfriend Stephanie Ressler, Liz Micale is busy hatching her next big plan to break off her son’s relationship with Stephanie. So, when Stephanie landed a job in California, Liz was thrilled about it. The extremely possessive mother thought that the distance would put an end to their relationship.
Liz’s plans almost worked as Stephanie and Mike got into heated arguments over her decision to move to California. Stephanie felt that Mike too should move with her as it would further his career opportunities. But Mike was hesitant about it as he didn’t want to move away from his mother, and his whole reason of staying in New York was to be close to his mother. Stpehanie felt like she was the third wheel in his relationship with his mother, and didn’t appreciate him prioritizing his mother over their relationship. The couple got into another heated argument when Stephanie began demanding for him to show his sign of commitment by proposing to her or getting married to her. Amidst all this tension, Stephanie decided that it would be best she focus on her career and move to California and try her hand at a long-distance relationship with Mike. Mike reluctantly agreed to it. But after Stephanie left, Mike finally realized that he wanted to be with Stephanie and began toying with the idea of moving to California to be with her. Luckily for him a couple of exciting career opportunities too opened up for him.
But before making any major decision, he wanted to sit down with his mother and discuss her thoughts on it. So he sat down with Liz and told her about the big career opportunities waiting for him in California and asked her if she would be okay with him moving to West Coast. Liz got very emotional and tried making him feel guilty by saying that his move would hurt her very badly and make her sad. But she also added that she would never get in his way and asked him to do whatever he felt was best for him.
In her green room interview, Liz was singing a completely different tune, wherein she expressed concerns about losing her son to Stephanie. She felt that he was moving to California to be with her and seemed very unhappy about it. When fans watched Liz’s reaction to her son trying to chase his dreams, they began slamming her for being selfish and not encouraging him to move to California but instead trying to guilt him into staying close to her at the cost of his career and relationship.
A fan tweeted, “Mike’s mom is selfish not to encourage her son to GO after his opportunities. A good mom will always put her kids needs and wants ahead of her own wishes. #iloveamamasboy #ilamb #iloveamommasboy.” Another fan wrote, “Liz, stop guilting your son!! god damn #iloveamamasboy.” “Could liz, for once in her selfish life, just support & be happy for something that her beloved son mike wants to do? instead of immediately throwing up all the negative ways it will impact her and her relationship with mike #iloveamamasboy,” wondered a fan.

Another fan shared, “Ugh, Liz, how do you not see how much you have been holding him back? You’re tugging at his heart strings, you’re making him stay near you because you would be sad, the fact that he feels sad, doesn’t that mean everything? #iloveamamasboy.” “#ILoveAMamasBoy liz is also like Joe from you,” pointed out a fan. Another fan commented, “SO Apparently Liz is completely unaware that airplanes exist and that she can still see Mike. Frontier charges $89. Mike would be $89 away. #iloveamamasboy.”