Is 1000-Lb. Sisters‘ Amy Halterman (née Slaton) quitting the show? The pregnant star said she wants out amid a “stressful” filming schedule.

“I’ve been on the show for three years. At first, it was easy, but now that I have Gage it’s like, he doesn’t want me out of his sight,” the 34-year-old, who is expecting her second child with husband Michael Halterman, told The Sun. “I feel like I’m being a bad mom when I’m at work. He’s always at granny’s when we’re filming and stuff. I feel like I’m losing valuable time.”
“I don’t really want to do another season because I’m pregnant, it’s just a lot. If they cut down my hours I’ll be probably fine,” she continued. “I like the crew most, filming can be stressful, you’re there all day and you have to say stuff over and over again. I love the relationship with the crew. But it’s stressful right now, he [Gage] needs a lot of attention.”
“Last season I was working every day for weeks, plus renovating a house, plus Gage, plus Tammy [Slaton], plus my mom,” she said, referring to her sister. “It was just a lot last year and I can’t do it.”
“I can’t discuss how much I get paid, but that’s my main job and posting videos on YouTube.”
As for when filming is supposed to start for the next season? “We don’t know, we’re waiting to hear back from the network.”
Amy’s sister and costar Tammy revealed she was hospitalized due to carbon dioxide poisoning in November 2021, “which led to pneumonia, and I was septic,” she said in a TikTok video at the time. “After I got off life support, they put a trach in, so, yeah. I’m trying to get used to that.”
Prior to that, she was hospitalized after contracting COVID-19 and pneumonia back in 2020, leading her to need an oxygen tank.
“I’m doing better day by day,” the reality TV personality added. “I’m supposed to be getting out of the hospital in a couple days. I’m going to another nursing rehab to get my strength back and lose more weight.”
Tammy has since lost 115 pounds after spending just one month at a rehab facility in Ohio.
Oh Puhleeze Amy. Grow the F up!’ I worked 3 jobs, had no husband and
had no mother to babysit!! Also no child support, thus the 3 jobs. I am SURE I made a small fraction of what you make and I had a very fulfilling life with my child.