Karen Derrico has her hands full. She has er 11 previous children, plus three newborns to look after. Her husband. Deon Derrico said that getting together all the kids for a day at the park was a production in itself and even so they forgot a few thing while leaving the house so they had to go back and get them, Even seemingly perfect parents of large families have ‘senior moments’ sometimes! Poor thing.

That was why Deon is insistent that Karen get a Nanny. When they talked it over at the park, Karen said that while she had nothing against getting a Nanny that she said it had to be the right fit. I think that’s true of any Mom though, she said that right now, the best Nanny would be one of the Grandmothers and in a way she’s right.

TLC ‘Doubling Down With The Derricos’ Spoilers: The Nanny issue

Both of those woemn are people she knows, and people that are familiar with her, and people that she trusts. Also, as someone who was regularly kept by their Grandmother I can attest to how handy it is to just have her right there on hand.

But Karen has already said that due to some reasons that her own Mom can’t come out there, so Gigi, Deon’s Mom, is coming to stay for Christmas. That’s great, but it sounds like Gigi has a life elsewhere. So what’s it going to be when Gigi has to go home for real?

It looks like they’re going to use the time that she’s with them in order to find the Nanny that will be the right fit for them, which is a wise decision.

Karen’s reluctance to find a Nanny also has to do with how she was raised, she said in her community, the African American community that women are supposed to be the ones to do it all and you get looked down upon if you can’t.

In other circles it’s called “Mommy-shaming” and, let’s face it guys, it shouldn’t be a thing in 2020, we all work and we all have lives outside our children now, don’t judge that harshly. Still, Karen seems to live in fear of that. Will she find the Nanny that’s fit for her brood?

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