90 Day Fiancé star Memphis Smith only has two weeks to marry Hamza Moknii. She has a lot to think about, as she doesn’t want to make the wrong choice.

After watching the last few episodes of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, many viewers have turned against Memphis Smith, but her actions don’t warrant such a huge backlash. The 34-year-old reality star flew to Tunisia to meet her online boyfriend, Hamza Moknii. 90 Day Fiancé viewers saw that Hamza’s mom was very open-minded, as she let the 34-year-old American stay at her home. However, she asked the couple to sleep in separate beds until their wedding.
Memphis wanted to be intimate with Hamza to see if they had any chemistry. After being told not to sleep in the same bedroom, Memphis got physical with her boyfriend, breaking his mother’s rule. Many 90 Day Fiancé fans are now disgusted by the couple for acting so silly and being so irresponsible. Memphis annoyed viewers when she played the race card, blaming society instead of just apologizing for her actions. Later on, some of Memphis’ negative client reviews surfaced on social media and made fans dislike her even more.
Viewers didn’t like Memphis’ actions in the last few episodes of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, but they should try to walk a mile in her shoes. Hamza and Memphis want to get married within two weeks, and they just don’t have the luxury of time to date. Within 15 days, they have to decide whether they want to take their relationship to the next level or break up. Therefore, the couple did what they thought was best for them and ended up sleeping together. Given that Memphis’ previous relationship didn’t have any intimacy, she wants to make sure that things are different with Hamza. Since Memphis is a busy single mother with two kids, she doesn’t want to rush blindly into a marriage, only to regret it later.

The negative reviews about Memphis could easily be fake. Even if they are not, the comments relate to her professional life and shouldn’t concern others. After a few bad reviews surfaced online, Memphis took to her Instagram Story to defend herself with positive ones. She said, “It is sad that just because of a show – that no one knows if it is 100 percent true – that you try to find ways to down me as a provider.” Perhaps Memphis’ professional life shouldn’t be attacked, as that has been kept far from reality TV. She is a single mother who needs her job to provide for her family.
The attacks will not change the outcome of the TV show, which was filmed months ago. As far as Memphis’ relationship with Hamza goes, she has the right to make important decisions about her life. Fans should not blame her for testing compatibility with Hamza or being skeptical, as it takes time to build trust. However, it is a real bummer that the 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days star only planned to spend two weeks in Tunisia, as they may be too short of a period in terms of making a decision about marriage.