Breakups can be hard, but these 90 Day Fiancé stars are doing better than ever without their former partners dragging them down and holding them back.
There have been many breakups in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise, but it’s not always a bad thing, because sometimes heartbreak can be a blessing in disguise. After going through a rough split, these cast members are doing great, and the end of their relationship with their exes was the best thing to ever happen to them.
Not all relationships are meant to last—especially not these ones. Though some cast members will forever pine for their exes, these stars have realized that their former partners were a ball and chain keeping them down and preventing them from realizing their true potential.
There are many reasons why their franchise relationship breakup was the best thing for them. Some of these stars had flat-out terrible partners, while others needed more time to find themselves. But all of them have improved their lives tremendously after cutting ties with their exes.
Ashley Martson
Ashley’s ex-husband Jay cheated on her almost immediately after they got married, but they still had a very prolonged separation. The couple filed for divorce multiple times before splitting up for good. But now that they’re finally free of each other, Ashley is doing better than ever. She’s since left the franchise behind her and has opened up a successful hair salon. Ashley also went Instagram official with her new boyfriend recently and is leading a wonderful life.
Larissa Lima
90 Day Fiancé season 6 star Larissa always felt like she was being held back by her ex-husband Colt Johnson, and given how well she’s doing now, she may have been right. After the divorce, Larissa has been making bank on OnlyFans, which has funded her many recent plastic surgeries. Though Larissa gets a lot of criticism from fans for the way she looks now, she loves her body transformation and has achieved exactly the look she wanted and is living her best life.
Colt Johnson
But it’s not just Larissa who benefitted from the breakup, because Colt is also doing much better without her. Though Colt had a bit of a difficult single period where he tried dating around some, he eventually settled down and married his best friend Vanessa, and the two of them seem very much in love. Colt is also finally on his way to getting his own place (with Vanessa) and not living with his mom anymore. It’s clear that Colt and Larissa are both much better off without each other.
Fernanda Flores
Fernanda had a difficult time in her relationship with her ex-husband Jonathan Rivera. She came to the U.S. and got married to Jonathan when she was just 19 years old. It wasn’t long before she felt trapped in her marriage and not emotionally supported by Jonathan. The couple eventually divorced and since then Fernanda has been thriving. She’s been pursuing a modeling career and has been getting a lot of job opportunities in Miami, her new home. Fernanda is also dating a new man who she seems absolutely smitten with.
Jorge Nava
Ex-wife Anfisa Arkhipchenko was Jorge’s ideal trophy wife, but she made him absolutely miserable. She was controlling, materialistic, and uncaring, and on multiple occasions she was verbally and physically abusive towards Jorge. At the end of their relationship, Jorge went to prison for a while due to some sketchy business dealings, but it seems he had to go through the dark to get to the light. Now he’s with a new woman who appears to really love him. The couple has already welcomed a baby girl and now they have another child on the way as well, and Jorge looks happier and healthier than ever.
Chelsea Macek
Chelsea’s season 2 marriage to Nicaraguan pop star Yamir Castillo didn’t work out, but the divorce allowed Chelsea to find out more about herself. She explored other sides of her sexuality after the breakup and dated men and women before settling down again. This year, Chelsea got married to a helicopter mechanic who she seems head over heels in love with. Chelsea overall appears to be more mature and her separation from Yamir allowed Chelsea to truly find herself.
Usman Umar
Usman’s marriage to his ex-wife “Baby Girl” Lisa Hamme was extremely ugly, and fans criticized him for using Lisa and the 90 Day Fiancé franchise to boost his music career. But BGL didn’t exactly treat Usman well either. Now that they’ve divorced, Usman has a new “potential” in Kim Menzies on the latest season of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days. Kim showered Usman with gifts when they first met in person and she claims to be more open-minded, even saying she’ll allow Usman to have a second wife. Usman’s love life and career are doing better than ever, and it’s all because of his divorce from Lisa.
Yazan Abu Horira
Yazan’s relationship with his ex-girlfriend Brittany Banks was doomed from the start. While Yazan was devoutly religious, Brittany clearly had no interest in converting to Islam, and it was pretty obvious that things weren’t going to work out between the two. After Yazan and Brittany finally broke up, Yazan was free to explore other relationships. He eventually found a new woman who his parents could approve of. Recently, Yazan got married and now has a child on the way as well.
Though some 90 Day Fiancé stars will never get over their exes, these ones are thriving without their former partners. The breakup itself may have been hard on them, but for these cast members, it was exactly what they needed to turn their lives around. Now, they’re free to live their best lives and are more than happy to leave the past in the past.