Gino, who’s meeting Panama’s Jasmine for the first time on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, hasn’t left a good first impression on fans.
90 Day Fiancé star Gino made fans cringe after showing off his secret stash of pills for his girlfriend, Jasmine, in Panama. Joining the long list of cast members that fans are weirded out from the first scene itself, including the infamous Steven Johnston, Gino is one half of a new 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 5 couple. The Canton, Michigan, resident will be meeting his long-distance lover for the first time on the TLC show after having found her on a dating site. The previews have already suggested that Gino and Jasmine might not make it to the finale together. And Gino’s creepy actions seem to be proving fans right.
A volatile fight breaks out between Gino and Jasmine on the 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days trailer after she discovers he sent her nude photos to his ex-wife. Automotive engineer Gino was previously married to a Brazilian woman for seven years after he brought her to the United States on a K-1 visa. With his wish of starting a family still left incomplete, Gino wants to get Jasmine pregnant once he gets to Panama City. However, Jasmine has a jealous side that will end up throwing a wrench in Gino’s baby-making plans. But while that will be something Gino and Jasmine’s storyline explores as 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 5 progresses, one thing’s for sure–most fans don’t have a good feeling about him.
The 90 Day Fiancé YouTube channel shared a clip from Sunday’s premiere of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days that introduces Gino and shows him packing for his much-awaited trip. Gino empties a bag from a pharmacy on his bed and exclaims that it feels like Halloween. However, Jasmine’s boyfriend, Gino, also has a separate box lying on the side, which he calls his “secret stash” and opens it to show the cameras his “little blue pills” that can “make you last longer.” Gino says he got them online and exclaims that “Jasmine is a very sexual person, it seems.” He laughs and says that they have “shown each other naked on video and talked about the first night together.” Meanwhile, in the comments, shocked fans wrote things such as, “I’m literally scared for this girl. This guy creeps me out BAD!” and “TLC has a definite habit of choosing creepy men to participate in their shows. This guy is simply a continuance of that.”
To freak fans out further, Gino also mentions that he’s already “trialed” the pills, so he knows that “they work.” This is followed by Gino letting out a good laugh as he excitedly adds, “Like, wow, man. I mean, this stuff works.” He confesses that it’s been a few years since he’s been with a woman sexually. Gino believes that since Jasmine is 17 years younger than him, he wants to “keep up” once he’s in Panama before winking to the cameras. Fans are calling out Gino for being “odd” and noting that they can see why he didn’t have much luck locally “with that laugh.”
But there are a few who feel bad for Gino considering he may have ruined his chances with Jasmine already. He does come across as wholesome to a group of fans. They say they can feel that Gino is genuinely happy to finally have someone who’s interested in him. Still, it’s too soon to judge either Gino or Jasmine before their 90 Day Fiancé stint has even begun. It’s possible that once the season ends, fans may feel their opinions about Gino and Jasmine change.