Indian 90 Day Fiancé star Sumit has refused to get married to Jenny and wreck their 10-year relationship. Here’s why Sumit’s fears are justified.
Fans of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way have no sympathy left for Sumit Singh after he got cold feet and canceled his and Jenny Slatten’s wedding application. However, Sumit has several reasons why he did it. The Indian 90 Day Fiancé star faced opposition from his mother Sadhna when it came to getting married to Jenny. But with Sadhna accepting Jenny and the stars revealing their coast is clear astrologically as well, Sumit still got cold feet.
Everyone’s favorite 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way cast member and astrologer Khalid told Sumit and Jenny they could get married after nine days. But as Jenny looked ecstatic, Sumit was sweating internally. Sumit and Jenny were advised to avoid any Hindu rituals and do a court marriage, so they met up with their lawyer, who suggested they can wed through registration but would have to wait for 30 days more. While Jenny worried if Sumit’s parents would object again or if her visa problems would arise, her future husband went behind her back and called the lawyer to put the marriage on hold.
Jenny is being asked by 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way fans to flee India ASAP, as Sumit’s sketchy past always made them doubt his true intentions – from his catfishing to keeping his first wife a secret from Jenny. The fact that Sumit finds one creative excuse after another every time it comes to getting married to Jenny has become a running gag in the franchise. However, this time around, Sumit appears to have logical reasons to be scared of commitment.
Sumit Is Traumatized By His Bossy Mom
Previously, Sumit opened up about how his mom Sadhna treated his ex-wife like her own daughter. Sadhna also showed up at Jenny and Sumit’s house to show the American woman the ropes of how to become a good Indian bride. This suggests Sumit and Jenny are expected to go stay with his parents, brother, and sister-in-law in a joint-family setting. While Sadhna claims he loves Jenny thanks to astrologer Khalid, the fact that she still wants Sumit to leave her persists. If Sumit and Jenny do move in at his parent’s place after marriage, the chances of Sadhna causing them to break up increase. In this case, Sumit, who’s already scared of his mother, will find himself between a rock and a hard place and may end up hurting his soulmate, Jenny.
Sumit Fears Jenny Might Leave Him After Marrying
As expressed by Sumit on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, he’s scared of becoming a divorcee for a second time if Jenny ever leaves him. Jenny often threatens Sumit that she’ll go back to America whenever a minor inconvenience arises. Inarguably, Sumit has gone through hell on 90 Day Fiancé, has lost a lot of money, and divorce has changed him as a person. Divorcing Jenny means him losing the only person in his life who is his friend, family, and lover all rolled into one. He doesn’t know where he’ll end up without Jenny, though she does insist she loves him unconditionally and would never abandon him. Yet, Sumit’s old wounds haven’t healed completely.
Sumit Is Too Comfortable With Their Live-In Relationship
According to Sumit, people undergo a lot of changes after they get married. His wife used to be sweet but after their wedding, she wanted to change a lot of things about him. His fears tell Sumit that Jenny will also become controlling and domineering. Marriage has been like a prison for Sumit and involved doing everything as per his wife’s wishes to maintain peace. The live-in situation is perfect for Sumit, but it’s only because of Jenny’s visa that they need to be married. Perhaps Sumit believes that Jenny could continue flying in and out of India on her tourist visa instead of them later having to divorce, which comes at a cost of his sanity and dignity.